
Can high-quality hotel linen win the trust of customers? -1

For a long time, in the purchase of linen, product quality has always been a factor that hotels are very concerned about. Moreover, the quality of hotel linen not only affects the experience of customers, but also the fading, non-washable and short life of linen will increase the cost of the hotel. Therefore, hotel linen manufacturers should start with the quality of linen and create high-quality linen in order to win the trust of customers!

Synchronization of warp and weft yarns--increase the washability and wear resistance of linen by 30%

Frequent washing is unavoidable for hotel linen. During the process of multiple washings, the quality of the linen begins to decline slowly until it is scrapped! The linen on the market is generally damaged in the weft direction first, because most of the linen on the market today cannot achieve the synchronization of warp and weft yarns, and the weft yarn is less than the warp yarn, resulting in the weft direction being damaged first. The warp and weft synchronization process breaks through the traditional process and overcomes the asynchronous warp and weft weaving method of the traditional process. The warp and weft synchronous weave can increase the washability and abrasion resistance of the linen to 30%. The innovation of this process effectively improves the service life of the linen, which can effectively reduce the cost for the hotel!

But good hotel linen customization not only tests the linen fabric, but also the test of the designer. It is necessary to be familiar with the properties of the linen fabric in order to achieve a high degree of integration between the work and the product! Therefore, it is recommended for the hotel to find a professional linen company, especially a company that mainly does linen customization. Generally, such companies will have professional designers!

Can high-quality hotel linen win the trust of customers? -1 1

Can high-quality hotel linen win the trust of customers? -1 2

Founded in , ELIYA Linen has now become the leading manufacturer of packaging products in the Hotel Amenities industry with many talents recruited and processing machine imported.

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