
What Are The Different Types Of Bed Valances?

Are you tired of drab and boring bed frames ruining the aesthetic of your room? Look no further than bed valances! These decorative covers for the base of your bed can add an extra element of style to your sleeping quarters. But with so many types of bed valances available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your space. In this article, we will explore the different types of bed valances and help you find the perfect fit for your room.

What Are the Different Types of Bed Valances?

When it comes to dressing your bed, the little details can make a big impact. One such detail is the bed valance, also known as a bed skirt or dust ruffle. Not only do bed valances add a decorative touch to your bedding ensemble, but they also serve a practical purpose by hiding the foundation of your bed and creating a polished, finished look.

At ELIYA Linen, we offer a variety of bed valances to suit different styles and preferences. Here are some of the different types of bed valances you might consider for your own bedroom.

Understanding the Function of Bed Valances

Before delving into the different types of bed valances available, it's important to understand their function. A bed valance is essentially a strip of fabric that is draped over the sides of a bed to cover the base or frame. It typically extends to the floor and is secured in place with pins or elastic bands. Some bed valances are designed with split corners to accommodate bedposts or footboards.

Bed valances serve several purposes. They can:

- Conceal under-bed storage or unsightly bed frames

- Add color, pattern, or texture to your bedding

- Create a polished, cohesive look with your other bedding elements

- Protect against dust and allergens that can accumulate under a bed over time

Now that you understand the practical benefits of a bed valance, let's explore some different styles.

Traditional Bed Valances: Classic and Elegant Styles

Traditional bed valances are often characterized by ruffles, pleats, and other decorative details. They tend to have a romantic, feminine feel that is well-suited to vintage or shabby-chic decor styles.

At ELIYA Linen, we offer traditional bed valances in a range of colors and materials. For a classic look, try our white or ivory polyester bed valances, which are machine-washable and easy to care for. Or, for a touch of luxury, consider our satin bed valances in shades of gold or beige.

Modern Bed Valances: Sleek and Minimalistic Designs

If you prefer a more modern or contemporary decor style, you might opt for a bed valance with clean lines and simple design elements. These bed valances tend to have a minimalist look that complements sleek, streamlined bedding ensembles.

Our microfiber bed valances are a great option for those who prefer a modern aesthetic. They come in a variety of colors, including black, gray, and navy blue, and are wrinkle-resistant and easy to care for.

Creative Bed Valances: Unique and Whimsical Options

For a more creative or whimsical approach to bed valances, consider a design that incorporates unexpected materials or patterns. From burlap to lace to animal prints, the options are virtually endless!

Some fun and unique bed valances from ELIYA Linen include our denim bed valance, which is perfect for a rustic or country-style bedroom, or our zebra-print bed valance, which would be a playful addition to a kid's room.

Choosing the Right Bed Valance for Your Home

When it comes to selecting the perfect bed valance for your bedroom, keep your overall decor style in mind. Consider the colors, patterns, and textures of your other bedding elements, as well as the furniture and accessories in the room.

If you're still not sure which bed valance to choose, try a classic white or ivory option from ELIYA Linen. These bed valances will blend seamlessly with any decor style and provide a clean, polished look that is always in fashion.

No matter which type of bed valance you choose, adding this simple accessory can help transform your bedroom into a cozy and inviting retreat. Shop our selection of bed valances at ELIYA Linen today and elevate your bedding game!


In conclusion, bed valances are a versatile and stylish addition to any bedroom. Whether you prefer the clean lines of a tailored valance or the whimsy of a ruffled one, there is a bed valance out there for every taste. From box pleats to gathered and frilled designs, bed valances can instantly transform the look of your bed and add an extra layer of interest and texture to your bedroom decor. So go ahead and experiment with different styles and fabrics to create the perfect finishing touch for your bed!

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