
Community & Service This Summer?

I think that you should go to a public library and voulenteer. However we live in separate parts of the country so We might have different things that we like doing

• Related Questions

What makes you say wow when you see a house?

A house become very beautiful if the decorations, furniture are simple and elegant looking. The house will have its own uniqueness compare to the ordinary house that is always seen. Creativity of the owner is important so that his personality can be seen into his house.


Money: How to make money?

Focus on education first. With your parents permission, get a work experience in your chosen field. Get weekend paid work at your local female clothing or kosha/hallal shops or offices. Stay away from Internet schemes. You are too young to have a bank or Paypal account.


Why did the dog bite me?

Well what were you doing? Were you just sitting there and he came up and bit you? were you playing with him or petting him? Somethings you may think are fine like petting a dog with both hands are actually challenging their dominance


What are "crabs"? ?

Lice, parisites that feed off blood, in your pubic hair, people call them crabs because under the microscope they look like the crustacian. They are transferred by sexual contact or sharing mascara (yes crabs can live in eyelashes) Like "nits" in your hair, only in your pubic hair


Did I get what I deserved?

If this story is true, you should understand that Democrats are trying to make things better for people like you. You would now be able to buy health insurance so that you would get good medical treatment. And minimum wage jobs would pay more so people like you would have a better life.


what is the most efficient way to speed clean you house?

Always start with the largest rooms first and work your way down to the smaller rooms when vacuuming and dusting when you are done with that then do your wiping with cleaners and disinfecting And spend no longer than ten to fifteen minutes in each room Good Luck !


Christians, How Can I Maintain A Relationship With God?

Your mother works on Sundays? Are there no other scheduled times for worship, no other times for study groups or other churches and other days of the week? I am certain God will accept your offering of worship in any building and any denomination at any time, though Sunday is the designated day for worship. Help your mother


Scabies for a third time, what do I do?

calamine lotion thats for scabies it works and its cheap and otc its not fatal apply to your whole body and dont forget to disinfect you clothes towel bed blah blah and stay away from animals


Major Flea ProblemWe need help!?

my mum took in a feral kitten with a flea infestation and nothing worked on them then she bought a head-lice treatment called headrin,it killed them instantly and didn't harm the cat


Are people jealous that I live at home? They must be, they are so mean.?

there is nothing wrong living with your parents especially if your single...but you do have to help around the house and to your own laundry and all sorts of stuff but really there is nothing wrong with it


Is it true that every person has a worm inside of them? My boyfriend says he saw this on TV..?

somewhat? could you desire to placed up a source for this drivel? In what state? under what regulation? same intercourse marriage, like heterosexual marriage, is a settlement of committment and consent between consenting adults. How does a cat consent, and how does the cat sign the license? Sorry...you fail


How did my dog catch scabies?

Yes you wanna keep them separated. just until the dog gets treated but to be on the safe side since mange is a parasite and highly contagious get the cat checked


Birthday present for my mom?

Try Things to remember, if not, buy her a necklace, ring or bracelet that has charms that represents each of her children, and their birthdates. You can usually find those @ JcPenny and other department stores.Those are nice


Stray pregnant kitty adopted me, HELP!?

nicely ensure to notify all of us on all the social networking web pages consisting of facebook or twitter. post statuses and whatnot and message people in case you think of they could have an interest


My 2 year old has seemed to cought lice from someone.. what can i do about it?

well the only sensable thing to do would be just to buy a louse comb put conditioner in the child's hair and comb them out most treatments would be uncomfortable for your child


11 year old bedwetting?

keep her away from drinks a hour before her bedtime let her go to bed and use the bathroom before she goes to sleep check the air conditon and her covers it might be cold


help with this poem!! please?

It depicts the event of the birth of jesus to virgin marry who is horrified on the event of giving birth to a child without interception of a man. Alas, our girls think having sex without marriage and to give birth to bastards


9yr old still wetting the bed?

it's certainly not normal. I suggest you get her to wash her sheets instead, then her bed wetting wont irritate you so much, and then she takes responsibility for her bed wetting


My son is 10 and still has a bed wetting problem?

He may have bladder control problems or maybe his bladder is just smaller than average, He could also be a heavy sleeper and sleep thru the sensation of having to pee. It could really be anything. You should schedule an appt with a doctor that specializes in that department. Good luck


Is this normal or am i crazy? everytime im feelin good he brings me down...?

well i guess he means insecure because you come unglued when he says something neg about you. next time just act like you could careless and i guess then you would be secure


Sending save the date pretty far in advance, how soon to start registry?

We registered right after sending save the dates since people started asking after they got the save the dates. We mailed ours out 12 months in advance because our wedding is in another state. We registered at Macy's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Amazon, Amazon is pretty awesome because they have EVERYTHING, and most of it is priced really reasonably.


Can't even ATHEISTS agree that women should strive to be like Proverbs 31?

This description, if you read it carefully, has more to do with fulfilling the particular idiocyncratic pleasures and personal opinions of the individual she married rather than about living up to her potential as a good person. In other words, it measures the worth of the woman by what her husband thinks of her, which makes it archaic sexist drivel


Spanking teen cause he still wets the bed?

You have asked repeated questions concerning your sons bed wetting and had repeated answers;I feel that it is now time to direct your questions to the chief troll-he is the wisest of trolls and will hopefully be able to help you sort this out once and for all


Do you think that in spite of Luke 16, the JWs should believe that there is no place of torment?

Luke could be seen just as a parable but many other parts of the bible it talks about eternal suffering and smoke of their suffering coming up day and night forever. There are many references to the earth and heaven being destroyed but they also insist the earth will go on forever


how does a person get a staff infection?

A staff infection is an infection you get from other staff with whom you work. A staph infection is transferred from a person with a staph bacteria infection to another person through non-sterile contact


Why do prophets have long hair, do they have beards?

I prefer hair that is shoulder length or longer, As well as since that men who like females are more often then not directly, they like long hair because that looks more feminine, as most males have short hair


The Bible says Homosexuality is a Sin?

You are deliberately mixing the Mosaic ceremonial law with the moral to discredit it. Shaving, eating shellfish were part of the Jewish laws, Homosexuality is a moral matter and holds for all time


Does anyone believe there is a moral imperative to avoid celebrating Halloween?

I never understood this. Basically all of Christianity's holidays were adopted from or rescheduled to coincide with the popular pagan holidays. Why has Halloween (adopted from the Celtic Samhain) been so vilified while the others have not?


My mom says I act like a child although I don't it hurts when she says this I'm 15?

youre a child though. your mum is obviously considerably older and she will see you as a child. Just take it on the shoulder and think about what you were doing when she said you were childish and try and avoid those things happening again


Could Revelation 18 be speaking about the USA turning her back on GOD?

You are making the mistake of looking for direct connections in something that was deliberately written to be obtuse. The bible is a collection of fables and legends designed to scare and/or lead people into leading a better life


What are some good room themes for a 10 year old girl?

I always liked a moroccan/gypsey theme. There are many colors and patterns. Not to mention as she gets older the style can still fit her where as barbie or bratz will get old quick.Pastel colors also get old go with neutral colors like browns or just one bright wall


my sister looking to of fees.....?

That sounds about right, from what I have heard from other couples who were seeking to adopt. There are medical expenses, prenatal expenses for the birth mother, and agency fees, among other things


Gift Question for "Older" couple getting Married?

You can have masses said for them by priests and monks at various churches, chapels and monasteries around the world. You send a donation to the various missions and they in turn will say a number of masses for the couple


Can you help me find a toothbrush holder for a family larger than four?

My husband and I have four children and had the same problem. I ended up getting a toothbrush holder originally meant for schools. Lakeshore has some great ones. Go to and type in toothbrush in the search window.


When there's a guest living in someone's house, who should treat who more respectfully, if anyone?

it should be a mutual respect. the guest should clean after themselves and the owner should do the same. take turns cooking and cleaning up. so each person is responsible for themselves


What is considered your property when you turn 18?

You own what you are allowed to remove from the parental domicile. If you leave under nasty circumstances, it may be only the clothes you have on your back. Under better circumstances, every thing in your room and maybe some more.


What do you do to pamper your wife when she's sick?

We both give one another: whirlpool or sponge baths, hot oil rubs/massages, manicures, pedicures, relaxing day with no chores followed by breakfast in bed, foot/neck/head rubs, & sexual favors like hand jobs/stripping/lap dances


Son had pink eye, now I do what precautions besides handwashing can I take?

You will have to wash his sheets and pillow cases as well. You may want to replace the pillows. You need to wash all surfaces he touches and make sure he washes his hands after using the toilet or touching his diaper area as some bacteria from this area can cause conjunctivitis as well


Has the "Art of being a housewife" been lost?

Only in the mind of those who find it oppressing; all forms of are are lost in the minds of those who find it oppressing and or they are simply depressed themselves


which is the most criative wedding that you went?

My Brother and sister in law were married last year. For their engagement party the place they had planned went out of business. So a friend recommended an exotic tropical wood furniture store that let people use it for parties. It was quite fun and provided a different atmosphere to have the party in


Any good ideas/ specific websites for ART projects for ancient civilizations?

I did something for my paintings class the place I decrease out a mag image and purely filled in some concepts . the image replace right into a woman using her bicycle questioning with regards to the relaxing weekend she replace into going to have out along with her boyfriend


Looking for opinions on my first few paragraphs?

Sounds good so far. However he does appear a little too fragile and emotionally vulnerable to be a guy. You may want to research on other male characters that you can use to reflect his personality appearance. Otherwise, it is quite lovely


How can I help my 12 yr son stop bedwetting?

My brother had a similar problem and it turned out he was diabetic and that effected his ability to get up and go during the night. I would talk to his pediatrician


Ear piercing in babies - for or against?

against it. let your child decide for themselves. do adults pierce their babies ears because they somehow know their child wants it pierced or are the doing it because the parents think it'd look nice on their baby. Also, babies are better to deal with skin infections when their 3 months


What exactly would impetigo?

Impetigo, a contagious skin infection that usually produces blisters or sores on the face and hands, is one of the most common skin infections among kids. Follow the link below to get all the facts and remedies


Do you have a system for keeping your house clean?

visit this site you will be organized in no time ,great bunch of people to give you help and advise on all there to know about keeping your house in tip top shape.

Community & Service This Summer? 1

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