
Should I Take Advantage of This Evil P/a Xmas Wish List Opportunity?

My ILs are not toxic, just annoying. When DH (dear husband) and I got married in 2004 we registered for a nice set of white linen napkins and a tablecloth. MIL bought us the set as a shower gift, but immediately took them back because she said she wanted to hand-embroider the napkins and tablecloth with our monogram. Okay, fine and nice of her, huh? Well, a few years went by and we never saw the tablecloth and napkins again. And a few occasions went by where it would have been nice to have the darn things. I know I could have bought my own, but whatever.Back in 2005 our house was on a neighborhood holiday house tour thingie and I had DH (dear husband) ask MIL (mother-in-law) for at least the tablecloth so we could put it on the table to make it look nice for Christmas. So she gave that back, with apologies, and it was nicely embroidered with our initials. She also gave us a few of the napkins hand-embroidered, but not the whole set. She has brought it up a couple of times to me over the years, more along the lines of, "Oh, I have to get those to you..." but of course, I haven't seen them. Not that I'm going to be having any fancy dinner parties anytime soon, but I'm thinking about putting a set of white linen napkins on my Amazon wish list for Christmas, which I know MIL (mother-in-law) checks for ideas. So...should I? Or just ask her for the darn napkins myself? Or just buy myself a set of napkins and maybe just use them innocently the next time we have her over for a halfway-decent dinner? (Usually it's pizza or soup or something when the ILs do come over, so this would mean I'd have them for Christmas Eve or something...)Hmmm...(drumming my fingers together in front of my face in an evil fashion...)Put on Amazon!Mama to two lovely burritos!!!!!!Just ask outright for the napkins too. Traveling with our NT Daughter and ASD son! see her this weekend, and maybe when the conversation does get to Christmas gifts I can just say, "hey, how about finishing those white linen napkins for us? If you don't finish them before Christmas, maybe they can be a SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY GIFT..." Oooh, I think I'd put it on Amazon... Christen, Mommy to two sweet and stubborn little girls! Oh - shit - I mean EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY GIFT. Yeah, I can do math and remember the year...Oh I'd do both. Or just put napkin rings on the Amazon list, with a note wbout how much you're looking forward to using them with the napkins.Do you want nice, or do you want the truth? I can't guarantee both.Madame Gigglybutt 7/28/10Buy your own napkins and pay for someone to embroider them up nicer than the ones she's got. Then use them nonchalantly every.single.time. MIL (mother-in-law) is over even if it's just for pizza.There is no charge for awesomeness....or attractiveness.No more Mr. Nice Gaius!Call her up. Say 'MIL, I need my linen napkins back. Can you be sure to have them available when we see you next Tueaday?'MIL: but they aren't done yet!You: after over 7 years, I am pretty sure they never will be. I would like to enjoy them before they fall apart, so I will need them on Tuesday, thanks.I understand your frustration an believe me I wuld love to point out to her that she needs to give the back finished already.... BUT why stir up unneccessary drama? If you have to money to do it, buy them andwhen she comes over for dinner she'll say 'where did you get those?' And you can say that you bought hemKimberly in Sunny Orlando, FLExpecting Number 4, DUE 2/19/2014Mother to Anthony 17yrs, Natalie 10yrs, Valerie 16mosBelieve me, I understand how fun it would be to put them on your wish list just to prove a point. But why stir up unnecessary drama? Buy them yourself and when she joins you for dinner she will see them and feel even worse!Kimberly in Sunny Orlando, FLExpecting Number 4, DUE 2/19/2014Mother to Anthony 17yrs, Natalie 10yrs, Valerie 16mos

Should I Take Advantage of This Evil P/a Xmas Wish List Opportunity? 1

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