
ELIYA Annual Meeting

2021-12-15 21:50:28


ELIYA Annual meeting begins

Maggie, the vice general manager, opened the annual meeting with a warm New Year message. She said, "In the past year, with the joint efforts of all the colleagues, the company has maintained a steady business development and achieved good results. These results belong to every employee, ELIYA will have a more brilliant future.

At the same time, the vice president said that the company's existing achievements can not be separated from everyone's efforts, hope in the New Year unity, roll up the sleeves together to work harder!

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Major recognition of the flower of ELIYA employees

The host announced the company's commendation. The brilliant achievements of the past year could not be separated from the hard work of all the employees. In this commendation meeting, a number of awards were presented successively, in order to recognize the outstanding employees.
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Wonderful program to show staff:

ELIYA employees not only perform excellently in their work, but also express their professional performance level in the talent show. The scene is warm and harmonious, one song after another full of true feelings and beautiful songs, one song after another of extraordinary attains of musical instrument playing, all of which make colleagues here burst into applause... The venue is peaceful, everyone's charm and style are shining at this moment, bright, the scene is full of joy sound and laughter, passion and power.ELIYA Annual Meeting 4ELIYA Annual Meeting 5ELIYA Annual Meeting 6
Lucky draws and surprises:
The lottery is always a highly anticipated preservation project of the tea party, in order to let all employees can go home, the company prepared a number of prizes, as each prize was given out, the scene of applause and laughter.
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The ELIYA Annual Conference ended in a flurry of laughter, and I believe that because of our efforts in the past year, Only at the end of the year will bloom the most gorgeous smile, the old year has shown a thousand pieces of brocade, the New Year again into a hundred feet pole, recall 2022, we have gone through many glorious years, looking forward to 2023, ELIYA will continue to unite closely under the correct guidance of the leadership, male accumulation thin hair, continue to write a new chapter!
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