1. Im in the middle of a flea battle and need some advice?
There are products available that can be used to treat your house and furniture. I would recommend getting your cat checked by the vet just to make sure there aren't any underlying causes. With regard to the flea treatment you should always use products recommended by your vet rather than shop bought products are these can be less effective. Once your cat has been treated then you must ensure your house has been treated to stop the fleas from living within the environment. Good luck!
2. Is there something in my closet?
SOUNDS LIKE A GAY GHOST IN YOUR CLOSET Closeted ghosts in addition to the spiritual not coming out have been the subject of homosexual supernatural phenomenon. Generally not openly discussed, the paranormal investigations dealing with these same issues (Sunbright Manor Investigation) have found that ghosts who remain closeted are usually not satisfied in their afterlife relationships as further research is still needed to rule out all possible heterosexual causes but this one seems really gay.
3. which is the most criative wedding that you went?
My Brother and sister in law were married last year. For their engagement party the place they had planned went out of business. So a friend recommended an exotic tropical wood furniture store that let people use it for parties. It was quite fun and provided a different atmosphere to have the party in
4. Please give me ANY helpful tips on home organization?
I use one of those plastic bill sorter containers for my bills and mail to keep it getting cluttered on my desk or my counters. Ive also read about easy quick ways to keep clutter from gathering into piles during the day - my favorite is keep a nice-sized basket in the room thats lived in the most, each time you see something laying around place it in the basket then before bed or when cleaning empty the basket and tuck all of its contents where they belong!
5. How important that we use a fabric softener sheets in doing laundry?
ive heard people say its just a con and waste of money but seriously you can really tell the difference to clothes that have been fabric conditioned to them that havent. use the liquid stuff that you use in the washing machines last rinse cycle because it infuses into the clothes and you get better softening and better smell. also by using dryer sheets it can block up the lint trap and could start a fire.
6. A flux of "father" poems today, may I share mine again?
I expressed my disgust the first time I read this -he should have been led off in handcuffs rather than honored. My father was the opposite -a man who spent his military service instructing recruits on the firing range and never setting foot on a battlefield, but a hero of a father who loved his children and did everything for their benefit
7. If a baby died while in the womb...?
In the medieval times the mother would have probably died if she had not miscarried. Unfortunately sometimes there is no miscarriage and the mother dies from the consequences, I will let you imagine, because giving details would gross you out. Thank god for modern medicine. Those were hard times and people would die from infection up until the 20th century and the discovery of penicillin, or would die from an acute appendicitis. People with bad fractures would end up with diformities. And basically everyone had scarred from the small pox.
8. I just moved to Dallas TX. What are some family oriented things to do here?
define outskirts. all of us in California commutes, so our definitions may be different than yours. look into the Redlands or Loma Linda. you additionally can elect to look into the Palm Springs area. it somewhat is a significant strengthen midsection precise now, and has quite some activity openings. Banning and Beaumont are outdoors the city and not a foul trip, yet no longer the finest factors of California
9. Is this studio lighting kit...?
sounds expensive. I think you need to do more research on what type of lighting you will be needing. What type of pictures do you think you will be taking? etc. If you are doing hobby photography just shoot outside early in the morning or right before the sun goes out; that is essentially the ideal light photographers try to acheive with artificial lighting
10. What names do you find really awful and do you associate them with a different era?
Lol dont forget The awful names Celebrities give their kids like Phineas and Galapagos and Unicornia and all kinds of overly exaggerated names like that they forget these kids have to grow up with these names at first i thought Suri was a terrible nome but now it seems pretty damn normal next to Guggi and Zowie and Destry what are these people thinking????
11. Did you ever eat a meal at a soup kitchen?
I actually have met many people who have eaten there and i have joined them in eating there and i donate my time and money to the kitchen for the church to participate in more events of helping the homeless and less fortunate. I realize there are a lot of people out there who do not have money to have nice homes with sufficient clothing and heat for the winter months so my time and contributions can help them out to some extent
12. My three months old has reflux - HELP!!!?
Reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which separates the esophagus and stomach, does not close properly and/or is weak.This allows gastric contents to flow into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest or throat called heartburn. In other cases, gastric contents may be refluxed all the way up into the mouth before they are swallowed again. When stomach acid can be tasted in the back of the mouth, it is called acid indigestion. I have attached some links that should help you Good Luck
13. Is Jesus Commanding that Children be killed in Revelation 2:22-23?
A female influence may have been trying to manipulate husbands and elders. It seems that the elders in Thyatira were tolerating an immodest Jezebel influence. Jesus allowed Jezebel and her children (those who follow her immodest conduct)time to repent, but they persisted in their immoral ways. There is a powerful message here for Christians today. Those who imitate Jezebel, whether men or women, and thus become her children by violating Bible principles on headship and morality or by being headstrong so as to ignore theocratic order, are spiritually in a dangerously sick condition
14. Christians, How Can I Maintain A Relationship With God?
Your mother works on Sundays? Are there no other scheduled times for worship, no other times for study groups or other churches and other days of the week? I am certain God will accept your offering of worship in any building and any denomination at any time, though Sunday is the designated day for worship. Help your mother
15. Sending save the date pretty far in advance, how soon to start registry?
We registered right after sending save the dates since people started asking after they got the save the dates. We mailed ours out 12 months in advance because our wedding is in another state. We registered at Macy's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Amazon, Amazon is pretty awesome because they have EVERYTHING, and most of it is priced really reasonably.
16. I need help writtng a prayer for my daughter. Any ideas?
JESUS, the one true God and only savior. Help us and our children find an Apostolic Pentecostal Church that we may repent, be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins and receive the Holy Ghost just like the three thousand plus on the Day of Pentecost. Send revival to set the world free from pagan Catholicism and break the spiritual stronghold of Laodicea off North America. In Jesus name.
17. Un site internet sur le recyclage en France?
de plus en plus de villes organisent des collectes de dechets separs: d un cote les ordures menageres de l autre les dechets recyclables:plastique papier carton boites de conserves .pour les objets en verre il y a des points de collecte en ville.pour les piles ce sont les commerces qui ont des points de collecte et pour les dechets encombrants (electromenager vieux meubles)il faut les emmener dans une dechetterie de meme que les dechets "verts"(qui viennent du jardin).
18. I have a 2 month old who has eczema. Does that for sure mean she has food allergies?
skin conditions and allergies are not neccisarily linked. eczema is treated with creams and is not caused by eating foods, perhaps contact but that would be considered contact dermatitis. food allergies will show up as you start to introduce foods individually to your baby to make sure they do not have an allergy. hives would be indicative of a food allergy. food allergies may show up at any point in a persons life even if they have had that food many times before
19. How can you keep MRSA from coming back?
MRSA stands for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, which means its a staph infection that normal antibiotics cannot kill, there are a few powerful antibiotics out there that can kill mrsa they have side effects , you need to see a doctor, the other thougtht is to keep her out of the hospital, hospitals are known to have mrsa also known as nosocomial infections
20. What is a natural way to get rid of crabs ?
You should follow the method "Pregnancy Miracle" ( available in electronic format at ) It's a clinically proven holistic system for permanently reversing your infertility and your partner's infertility disorders and getting pregnant quickly, naturally and safely within 2 months without drugs, dangerous surgeries, side effects, or expensive infertility treatments. It worked for me, me and my hubby were struggling for years and this book changed our lives. We now have a 1 year old beautiful daughter and we feel like the happiest people that ever walked the earth.
21. Can't even ATHEISTS agree that women should strive to be like Proverbs 31?
This description, if you read it carefully, has more to do with fulfilling the particular idiocyncratic pleasures and personal opinions of the individual she married rather than about living up to her potential as a good person. In other words, it measures the worth of the woman by what her husband thinks of her, which makes it archaic sexist drivel
22. How can I declutter my home and keep it tidy?
Make sure all the things you have you really do need or even use. See if your city has something like a human resource building that will help with income support for now. For now you really need good proper storage. Maximize your space by making storage upwards. Wall unit like shelves/box cuboards, storage tubs. Its all about giving everything its own spot.
23. Which race is thought to get head lice the most- black or white? and explain your answer please.?
It has nothing to do with the race. It is more with the personal hygiene. Such as frequency to take bath shampooing or cleaning hairs. May be white people live in temperate climate and take bath either very hurriedly or less frequently while the blacks if living in tropics due to hot weather take bath more frequently. Oiling the hairs has no relation. The most important thing is that you come in contact with another guy infested with lice.
24. Bad acne problem question ?
acne is an INFECTION, a bacterial infection. u go to a doctor called dermatologist and the doctor will prescribe u either a course of antibiotics, or cream or retinol pills. overcounter creams and scrabs will not help u at all. u need prescription drugs. to my children helps cream called epiduo much better than antibiotics or retinol. also washing face regularly and changing your bed linen (especially pillow cases) is essential
25. Son had pink eye, now I do what precautions besides handwashing can I take?
You will have to wash his sheets and pillow cases as well. You may want to replace the pillows. You need to wash all surfaces he touches and make sure he washes his hands after using the toilet or touching his diaper area as some bacteria from this area can cause conjunctivitis as well
26. How do you become a senior caregiver?
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